Morning pitch

Holding schedule


Event overview


Date and time: November 09, 2017 (Thursday) 07 - 09 AM
Venue: Shinjuku Nomura Building (Shinjuku Nomura Building 48F, 1-26-2 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Application: registration is required)
Entry method:





For artificial intelligence / machine learning application
Collect, enhance and structure training data
Data platform "DefindCrowd"

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Intelligent Machines Amaze You Co., Ltd.

Fuse the latest natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU)
Interactive AI "IMAY"

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Rinosys Inc.

Innovation of the business of the eating and drinking / retailing industry with the power of software
IT solution using cloud, big data, AI "Rinosis" series

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Eyes Factory Inc.

Provide Customized AI to Customers
Development and sales of cloud-type data analysis platform "bodais"

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Laboro Inc. AI Corporation

Integration of knowledge and strategic consulting to state-of-the-art technology
AI technology solution "Laboro.AI"

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Hmcomm Co., Ltd.

Provide deep learning speech recognition processing
Voice platform "V series"

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